News April 2020

News  — Thu 2 Apr 2020

Various news in various scales!

But first:
In April 2020 we cannot ignore that we live special times. The Corona virus is spreading across the world and that brings a new reality for many people.
On the frontpage of our website we have placed a special message about the virus and associated circumstances. That message summarized: We see at Markenburg in addition to the changes, that there is still a lot of good things that can continue as usual.

And that includes an article, in which we explain which new products will enrich our product range from this month.

This month we have news in all 3 scales.
For scale 1: 220 (Z), the coal bunker from the Klokkenlaan theme is the addition to the Markenburg product range.
For the scales 1: 160 (N) and 1:87 (H0) we have the bus stop poles (NL style), from the theme Public space details and Steenweg 19 from similar named Steenweg theme, that will be the additions to the Markenburg range.

We like to continue to surprise you with an ever-growing product range. Even in these special times.

A Tip for the builders:
Perhaps good to know is that the bus stop poles seem pretty simple at first glance, but that some experience in assembling will come in handy. Thus, our advice is: Allow yourself some time to get to grips with assembling. With 12 copies per set, there is also some space for allowing yourself to do so.
In a practical sense, we recommend applying a minimal amount of wood glue to the light gray pole, with a toothpick or something similar, where it will touch the yellow / blue * sign. Always use glue from a freshly placed droplet, because if the glue has already dried (slightly), it will work less nicely. Then the sign can be put in place, but to get things neatly put together, we recommend that you place both the sign and the pole flat on your cutting mat / table top. Those who use too much glue will soon notice that the pole will stick to the cutting mat / table top. With the minimum amount of glue, only the sign and the pole will stay together when they are pushed together on the cutting mat. Allow it to dry for a few minutes, then gently push sideways against the sign where it is glued to the pole.
This will release the assembly from the cutting mat (if not too much glue has been used) without bending the pole in particular. Any small bending in the polecan also be bent back as well. Then the white sign can be pasted on the pole. Again with a minimal amount of glue. However, it will be easier here to keep some distance between the wood glue and the cutting mat.

* The color of the sign can be chosen at your discretion during the ordering process.

More information about the products can of course be found on the product pages:
- Theme: Steenweg> Steenweg 19
- Theme: Details public space> Bus stop poles (NL style)
- Theme: Klokkenlaan> Coal bunker

Searching on a specific scale is easy with the filter options on the main page of the Markenburg webshop . Scroll down and enter to the left below the desired scale. Then press "apply filter".

Bus stop poles (NL style)
Bus stop poles (NL style) (1:160 en 1:87)

Coal bunker
Coal bunker (in 1:220)

Steenweg 19
Steenweg 19 (1:160 en 1:87)