Traverser bridge with boxgirder construction



  • Dimensions are shown at the bottom of this page
  • Prepared for lighting.
  • Walls are not translucent
  • Model is made from sustainably recycled, high-density cardboard
  • Realistic color schemes
  • Material is colored throughout with high resistance to color fading
  • Slightly "polluted" from factory
  • Parts fit to an accuracy of 0.1mm


More information

Background information:
We have known traverser bridges for more than 100 years in almost all Western European countries. At the best of times, between 1900 and 1940, the Netherlands had more than 20 simultaneously active specimens. There were already 9 copies on the Werkspoor workshop site in Zuilen (Utrecht) around 1915. But also in the period 2010 - 2020, at least 4 new examples were built within the Dutch borders. Coincidentally, all in the Rotterdam region. In the decades after 2000, we see between 6 and 10 traverser bridges in active service throughout the country in the Netherlands. They find themselves in workshop environments for maintenance of mainly locomotives, in the past also wagons and carriages, but nowadays also trams and metros. Traverser bridges can also be found in industrial environments. Previously on many large business complexes with a rail connection. Nowadays, for example at container terminals, to simply divert locomotives at an otherwise dead-end yard.

Architectural details:
Looking at Dutch traverser bridges, most were/are located in fairly shallow roller bridge pits. Especially for heavier locomotives, it is important that there is a robust supporting structure under and immediately next to the track of the traverser bridge. With the desire to have the traverser bridge track as high as the connecting tracks, the need for a traverser bridge pit quickly arose. Long examples of the traverser bridge have support in several places or are constructed with box profiles next to the traverser bridge track, to enable carrying the heavy loads over the long spans. Short traverser bridges and also traverser bridges that have support in several places are often constructed from a ribbed construction, often made of I profiles. There is a suitable traverser bridge for every situation in the Netherlands, often custom-made. At Markenburg we make structurally valid specimens in different lengths, with the appropriate construction shapes. We also try to reflect the customized approach as best as possible in our models.

Axle holders, axles/wheels and details such as operating cabins in the photos of the traverser bridge are included. (Everyone 4x)
Vehicles, human figures, wiring and rails in the crane photos are not included. (Feel free to read the manual for further details and explanation)


Measurements at scale 1:160 (N)
c.a. 37B x 200L x 29H mm.
c.a. 37B x 300L x 29H mm.
Measurements at scale 1:87 (H0)
c.a. 68B x 200L x 53H mm.
c.a. 68B x 300L x 53H mm.
Measurements at scale 1:220 (Z)
c.a. 27B x 200L x 21H mm.
c.a. 27B x 300L x 21H mm.
Number (kits) per package


Manual with tips, building description and photos