Background information: Grid fences were used near railroad crossings in towns and villages. Some of them still exist, Waspik is one of those villages.
Background information: These kind of small walls are used as gardenwalls in front gardens and public spaces.
Background information: These walls are used in front gardens of houses and to set boundries around public buildings.
Background information: Luxury walls for the front garden of luxury houses, mansions and other buildings like law offices, solicitors offices, small banks and insurance companies.
Background information: These secessions are more common gardenboundries. In the Netherlands they are used in backgardens of townhouses.
Background information: These secessions are more common gardenboundries. In the Netherlands they are used in backgardens of townhouses.
Background information: These palisades are more common gardenboundries. In the Netherlands they are used in backgardens of townhouses.
Background information: These palisades are more common gardenboundries. In the Netherlands they are used in backgardens of townhouses.
Background information: These walls are very suitable for the setting of boundaries around hospitals, monastary yards etc.
Background information: These walls are very suitable for the setting of boundaries around hospitals, monastary yard etc.